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Legal Notices


The copyright and other intellectual property rights in all text, information, our graphics and any other materials on this website are owned by or licensed to The Derehams Inn Community Group. You may print or download extracts from this website for your personal reference only, provided that you may not amend, alter or modify such materials. Neither this website nor any part of it may be otherwise copied, reproduced, distributed or retransmitted in electronic or other media, including without limitation, in any other website or database without our prior written permission.




The Derehams Inn Community Group and any other names, images and logos identifying the organisation are reserved. This website may also contain the registered and unregistered trademarks and logos of third parties.




The content of this website is based on information available to The Derehams Inn Community Group as at the time of editing and accordingly may not remain current. The information has not been verified by The Derehams Inn Community Group and no responsibility is accepted by or on behalf of The Derehams Inn Community Group for any errors, omissions, or misleading statements. The website is provided as an information guide only and The Derehams Inn Community Group are not responsible for any consequences arising out of the use of or reliance on this information, and does not accept any liability for any loss incurred. In particular, nothing herein constitutes specific legal or business advice nor should it be taken as such. No reference to any organisation, company or individual, whether on these pages or other websites to which these pages are linked shall imply any warranty as to its standing or capability on the part of The Derehams Inn Community Group. The Derehams Inn Community Group hereby exclude to the fullest extent permitted by law, any warranty express or implied, as to the quality, fitness for purpose, accuracy, timeliness, completeness, performance or availability of this website or any part of it. The Derehams Inn Community Group shall not be liable for any loss or damages, whether arising in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise arising from or in connection with this website, its contents, its unavailability or any interruption or delay in access to the website for whatever reason. The Derehams Inn Community Group do not seek to exclude its liability for death or personal injury arising from its negligence. This website may contain materials produced by third parties and The Derehams Inn Community Group accepts no responsibility or liability in respect of any such third party materials. This website may also contains links to third party websites which are outside the control of The Derehams Inn Community Group. The Derehams Inn Community Group is not responsible for, and accepts no liability for, the materials appearing on such third party websites and does not endorse such websites or any goods or services referred to therein.



Data Protection & Privacy

Any information which you provide about yourself or any third party will be used by The Derehams Inn Community Group in accordance with applicable data protection laws. Your privacy is important to us. When you visit this site, The Derehams Inn Community Group does not collect any personal identifying information about you other than is necessary to respond to your requests for information or membership. We do not use individual information for commercial purposes other than to manage the community nor do we share this information with any other organisation. You will not receive any email from The Derehams Inn Community Group simply as a result of visiting our site. The site may use cookies for identification purposes. Users, who don't want to have cookies installed, can disable them in their browser. 

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